About Prague Student Summit
Prague Student Summit is a yearlong educational project with a tradition of more than 25 years with the number of participants exceeding the amount of 300 per year – high school students as well as university students and is organised by Association for international affairs. The project provides young people with an opportunity to broaden their horizons in the field of international relations, human rights, economy, international education, scientific and cultural cooperation, international security or environment as well as sharpening their critical thinking and their rhetorical, presentation and argumentation skills. Part of the project is also led in English and improves active language skills. The programme is prepared by a team of more than 60 volunteers, who dedicate their time to the project without any remuneration.
The main educational approach of the Prague Student Summit is a simulation of international organisations (UN, G20, EU and NATO). Each participant represents one particular state and learns thoroughly their positions on global problems. In addition, they learn the specifics of various regions, broaden their knowledge about the functioning and problems that these organisations are facing. The final part of the Prague Student Summit consists of students proposing documents to solve specific global problems that real international organisations are addressing. The students get to negotiate based on the real stance of the state they represent among the rest of the participants.
I am glad that people who do not take international politics and its context lightly exist in the Czech Republic. Politics, serving a common good, as a service to ideals that are higher than a few particular aims.
Summit is also highly valued by famous figures. It is attended by tens of Czech and foreign famous diplomats, politicians, academics, businessmen or journalists every year. Summit has been patronaged by personalities such as Václav Havel, Karel Schwarzenberg, Jan Kavan, Petr Pithart or Madeleine Albright throughout the years.
Summit has hosted for example the former Secretary General of the North Atlantic Council Petr Pavel, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubomír Zaorálek, former Chairman of the Senate of the Czech House of Parliament Milan Štěch, diplomats Štefan Füle, Hynek Kmoníček and Marie Chatard, journalists Erik Tabery, Jindřich Šídlo and Jakub Železný, economists Zdeněk Tůma and Tomáš Sedláček, etiquette specialist Ladislav Špaček, Chief Public Prosecutor Lenka Bradáčová, American ambassador Stephen King and many more. Prague Student Summit offers young students a platform to meet and be inspired by personalities of both the Czech and the foreign public sphere.
Students can expect a further educational programme with broad field of expertise, specifically interactive lectures when it comes to rhetorical skills, correct and polite argumentation, work with specialised documents and information in general, or even critical thinking itself. Our project, thanks to its emphasis on informal learning, represents the suitable complement to high school education, because it targets developing various aspects of personality which are to be found absent in Czech schooling system.

Ivet Nguyen
chief coordinator